Thursday, February 9, 2017

Equality Is Excellence: Transforming Teacher Education and the Learning Process

I am a Transgressor teacher, I feel Like one, because.....
I Believe in... many of Freire´s Ideas Education must begin with the solution of the student-teacher contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students. Paulo Freire We must start to analyse ourselves in the equity in front of our students, in share rights, and feel confortable in our seats. Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information. Paulo Freire WHAT ARE YOU DOING FROM YOUR CLASSROOM TO GENERATE A LIBERATING EDUCATION? Ar eyou really contributng to your country social growing? It is not systematic education which somehow molds society, but, on the contrary, society which, according to its particular structure, shapes education in relation to the ends and interests of those who control the power in that society. Paulo Freire Do you know your societies problems? Is the teacher collaboratng to break the citizens chains?
WE ARE THE CLASSROOM MANAGER We must include gender-free classroom language in our classrooms, establish rules for participation and rotate jobs withn each group. What is our girls position in class? We must avoid to interrupt grls or let other students do so. To make eye contact with all students, and call them by name could be our first step, and be a model of non bias behavior for not only your classroom,but also the entire school.We should offer our students quality, precise feedback to girls as well as boys answers. In the reading: Gender Equity manners by Kathleen King Thorius, you could read more strategies for achieving gender equity in Acces and Opportunities to Learn, that we can to put in practice in our classrooms: To Share with our students our own interes, strenghts, and talents in subjects and activities ,making sure to include those activities, which could be interpreted as breaking gender sterotypes about what men-and women like /are good at. Avoidng references to stereotypes linking interests to gender. Only teacher can create a gender balanced Curriculum, for this reason is important examine resources for gender equitable contente, and bring gender -biased materials to students´attention.We must use resources that reflect urrent and evolving roles of womenand men in society.
It is important to know about the Gender Unicorn to understand in U.S.A. how Gender is classified:

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