Monday, February 13, 2017


Today is a day to celebrate our new friendship, to say to your roommate, Happy Valentine,To phone to your husband, wife, siblings, relatives and express in only one word how much you love each of them. Today is a day to be sincere with ourselves, and give a gift to our heart, don´t bother if you are far from your home, husband or sweet heart, only offer a big warm hug to your feelings, minds, thoughts, passions, dreams and ideas, to celebrate this day. Today is a day to offer you hand to a partner, who feels homesick, sad, or withouth mood to share. Today is a day to learn how to celebrate Saint Valentine´s day if n your country doesn´t celebrate it, let´s shaare, and learn how to celebrate it! Today many hearts, red colors, chocolates, teddy bears, you will see around you, it means that Happiness is around you, offer your best smile to spread the happiness around us too. Today is a day for you and for me to offer a warm hug that let us remind our next Saint Valentine´s day in our own country, next following 30 years. Today is a day for be close each other, huge photos, touch our hands, and offer a friendly kiss. It s not harassment, it is only Friendship! Happy Saint Valentines´s Day Tea Fellowers 2017!

2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks a lot Dear Orquidia, I am so happy to have new friends who are kind and friendly.

  2. Lovely post! Happy Valentine's Day :)
